
Friday 13 May 2011

This week I have been mostly making pendants...

Vintage Faerie Picture on 25mm Pendant
Well, I'm loving  doing the pendants.  And have spent loads of free time this week making and making!!
I've had loads of Deliveries of shiny things including the materials to make these from this great shop:  Jasmin Studio Crafts  Really good stuff and very friendly!

At the moment they are mostly Alice in Wonderland Themed and Fairies, though I've also done a few favourites!!

I've also took delivery of a mini drill - very exciting, just looking around for things to drill, so I've made some earrings!

Scrabble tile earrings- these made me laugh, it was hours after the photo was taken that I realised what these spelt!!!

Teeny Alice Earrings - 8mm diameter

Guitar Pick Earrings - I've been meaning to do for a while, and now I've got a drill you can't stop me!!

My webshop is now filling up nicely - and I had my first sale (well, two at once)  for this necklace:

Hope you've all had a good week, have a great weekend!!


  1. These look fantastic!! And thank you for the mention! x

  2. These all look lovely, I've done a few fridge magnets using glass domes but I think I would attempt jewellery, yours look gorgeous.

    Loving the guitar picks ear rings. My stepson plays guitar and I know picks come in some wonderful colours and effects. Well done on the sales.. that is always good.

    Jan x

  3. Oh pooh, that should of been - I *don't* think I would attempt jewellery.

    Time for bed me thinks

    Nite nite

    Jan x

  4. Love the pendants,especially the Bagpuss one.And the PMT ear-rings-fab!

  5. hmmm, it said leave your name and a comment to get entered into the prize draw!

    My Name is Steve and I really like the steampunk butterfly necklace, oh and the Memory Wire Bracelets, and the butterfly earrings, oh and not forgetting the bag charms, oh DAMN IT! I love everything you do!
